Hello, all have a problem with Kamailio presence, I have configured my kamailio.cfg to handle dialog presence and facing issue in case of subs_db_mode = 2 in case of mode 2 facing the following presence issue.

  1. after hangup presence is still up
  2. sometimes stuck in a ringing state
  3. sometimes presence not came..etc

but in the case of subs_db_mode = 3 (DB ONLY) mode presence working fine not facing any issue with this mode.

I noticed that sometimes Kamailio will throw the following message during PUBLISH processing and it will not generate appropriate NOTIFY I also verify inactive watcher subscription is there for that user and also a proper entry in the dialog table.

MSG during PUBLISH processesing and it will not generate appropriate NOTIFY

Oct 30 07:42:10 NC-HOSTED-1 /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[2409]: DEBUG: presence [notify.c:1444]: publ_notify(): Could not find subs_dialog

kamailio.cfg param

modparam("pua", "db_url", DBURL_KAMAILIO)
modparam("pua", "db_mode", 2)
modparam("pua", "update_period", 100)
modparam("pua", "dlginfo_increase_version", 1)
modparam("pua", "default_expires", 3600)
modparam("pua", "fetch_rows", 1000)
modparam("pua", "outbound_proxy", SERVER_IP)

modparam("dialog", "db_url", DBURL_KAMAILIO )
modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1)
modparam("dialog", "db_update_period", 260)
modparam("dialog", "db_fetch_rows", 500)

modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "include_callid", 1)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "send_publish_flag", 8)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "caller_confirmed", 0)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "include_tags", 1)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "use_pubruri_avps", 1)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "include_localremote", 1)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "override_lifetime", 300)
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "pubruri_caller_avp", "$avp(s:puburis_caller)")
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "pubruri_caller_dlg_var", "pubruri_caller")
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "pubruri_callee_dlg_var", "pubruri_callee")
modparam("pua_dialoginfo", "pubruri_callee_avp", "$avp(s:puburis_callee)")

modparam("presence_dialoginfo", "force_single_dialog", 1)
modparam("presence", "db_table_lock_type", 0)
modparam("presence", "db_url", DBURL_KAMAILIO)
modparam("presence", "db_update_period", 5)
modparam("presence", "send_fast_notify", 1)
modparam("presence", "clean_period", 100)
modparam("presence", "subs_db_mode", 2)
//modparam("presence", "subs_db_mode", 3)
modparam("presence", "timeout_rm_subs", 1) //new/
//modparam("presence", "notifier_processes", 2) //new//
modparam("presence", "notifier_poll_rate", 20) //new//
modparam("presence", "waitn_time",1)
modparam("presence", "fetch_rows", 1000)
modparam("presence", "presentity_table", "presentity")
modparam("presence", "active_watchers_table", "active_watchers")
modparam("presence", "watchers_table", "watchers")
modparam("presence", "max_expires", 3600)

modparam("presence_xml", "db_url", DBURL_KAMAILIO)
modparam("presence_xml", "force_active", 1)

logic for presence

request_route {

    if(is_method("PUBLISH") || is_method("SUBSCRIBE")) {



    if (! t_newtran())

    } else if( is_method("SUBSCRIBE")) {


route[RELAY] {

    if(is_method("INVITE|BYE|UPDATE|CANCEL|ACK")) {
            $avp(t_ext) = $tU ;             
            $avp(domain) = $fd ;                
            $avp(et) = $_s(sip:$avp(t_ext)@$avp(domain)) ;          
            $avp(s:puburis_callee) = $avp(et);


I already report this issue in Kamailio git



Aatif Shaikh | Software Developer

+91 9033976268Hangout: aatif.shaikh@ecosmob.comSkype : aatif.shaikh@ecosmob.com
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