
the log messages that have "script" in the prefix are from kamailio.cfg routing blocks, not from the C code.

You can remove, change their log level, ... by editing the kamailio.cfg. The script log messages are printed by the functions exported from xlog module.


On 30.12.20 18:14, Chaigneau, Nicolas wrote:




Is it possible to set a specific log level for the Kamailio script ?

I’ve seen that the « debugger » module allows to do that with modules or « core » :





So I’ve tried to do :


modparam("debugger", "mod_level_mode", 1)

modparam("debugger", "mod_hash_size", 5)

modparam("debugger", "mod_level", "my_module=3") // this works

modparam("debugger", "mod_level", "core=3") // also works

modparam("debugger", "mod_level", "script=3") // nope…



But it doesn’t seem to work for « script »… :/






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