Thanks to both of you Elena and  Ovidius - Since I'm not a php programmer so I can't promise a patch at this stage, however, I am planning on spending time on it and, like Elena said, can write somewhat dirty coding to dispatch the MI commands to as many "remote" servers as defined and then the replies be displayed in order received or something.

Ovidius I do know about these html,xml rpc modules but I'm kind of person who needs some practical examples to understand how things work. I've kept this module in memory and if I find any understandable example on mailing-list or on internet I will definitely give this a try. Can you redirect me to jump-start on this one! current sample code is not enough for me to get going.


On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Ovidiu Sas <> wrote:
For running mi commands on remote servers you could consider using the
new xhttp_rpc module:

Ovidiu Sas

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Elena-Ramona Modroiu <> wrote:
> Hi,
> current version of siremis does not support to send MI commands to multiple
> kamailio servers. One thing that has to be taken in consideration is
> handling the MI replies. One option, they can be appended one after the
> other and displayed in the text box of siremis page, separated by some
> delimiter with details about the instance that replied (ip address/port).
> If you submit the patch, it will be committed and released with the next
> version. In case you plan more consistent contributions, once you have them
> developed, I can grant write access to git repository for
> siremis, so you will be able to commit yourself.
> Regards,
> Ramona
> On 5/14/12 8:33 AM, SamyGo wrote:
> Hello all,
> Following through the manual at
> :  I'm able to send MI
> commands on external/remote server But next hurdle is how can I define
> multiple remote servers i.e
> <Remote name="remote0" address="" port="8033"/>
> <Remote name="remote1" address="" port="8033"/>
> <Remote name="remote2" address="" port="8033"/>
> Is there any already working configuration else I think I may need to start
> a surgery on siremisMICommands.php file and make it loop over the remote tag
> and disptach commands until loop ends.
> is there any "MI-proxy" sort of thing available !!?
> Regards,
> Sammy.
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