
$rd is the domain from the latest r-uri, not from original r-uri. Can you check to be sure there is no revert_uri() used somewhere around?

If still a problem, then load debugger module, set its parameter cfgtrace to 1 and send the log messages here to see what actions are executed, maybe some revert the uri inside.


On 8/24/13 8:05 PM, Steve Davies wrote:

Hi -

Can someone help me understand how pseudo-variables interact with branches?

I've written this logic in my failure route to do a reroute of calls if the primary destination fails:

        if ( is_method("INVITE") && !t_check_status("407") && ($rd != "") ) {
                # Maybe should also check its not just a Busy or similar
                xlog("L_NOTICE","SLD: INVITE failed $rm ($mt / $rs $rr): $ci::$ft; try via asterisk instead\n");
                send_reply("181", "Rerouting call via local failover");
                $avp(senttoast) = 1;
                if (!t_relay()) {
                        sl_reply_error();  # or reply_error ?

I'm trying to check if the call was already rerouted - by looking at $rd.  But in fact I find that $rd keeps the domain from the ORIGINAL invite even if the call that just failed was the one to .

So I'm obviously missing something about how pseudo-variables interact with the branching etc.


Steve Davies: Technical Director, Connection Telecom (Pty) Ltd
Email is preferred, but: Phone: 0878200200

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