Hi Giacomo,


I have few questions with regard to rest client in kamailio.


1)      I see there are two modules in kamailio for rest client. http_client, http_async_client.

I hope http_client does the http transfer in synchronous  way.

http_async_client does the http transfer in asynchronous manner.

Correct me if am wrong here.


2)      I want to achieve https transfers in async way, so choosing http_async_client.

Is there a way that kamailio maintains persistent TCP connection  pooling for http transfer.

I see there is a “workers” parameter in http_async_client. By increasing this number does it result it more http request’s handling?


3)      Also, I have some questions regarding documentation for module http_async_client in 5.0 version.

In the API exposure, it says “http_async_query(url, route_name)”.

But the example if I want to use POST, it says “http_async_query("http://example.com/test.php", "{'r_uri':'$rU', 'f_uri':'$fU'}", "HTTP_REPLY");”

There is a parameter mismatch between the example and the actual function.


If I try to use GET query, kamailio service is starting. But if I try to give the POST query with payload, kamailio service is not started.

It says, sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not initialized.


Also I have noticed that, functions like http_append_header(),http_set_method() are removed in 5.0 version, whereas we have this API’s is 4.x versions.

Is there some issue with the documentation for 5.0  ?


Please let me the know the details for the above queries.

