On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 12:18 AM, Owais ul Haq <owaisulhaq@hotmail.com> wrote:

I have deployed Kamailio-3.1 on a fedora machine. And my database is placed on another windows 2008 server situated on the local network.
Problem is when I run kamailio. I get the following error from logs.

<core> [cfg.y:3416] : parse error in config gile /usr/local/kamailio-3.1/etc/kamailio//kamailio.cfg, line 311, column 31-35 : syntax error

<core> [cfg.y:3416] : parse error in config gile /usr/local/kamailio-3.1/etc/kamailio//kamailio.cfg, line 311, column 31-35 : Invalid arguments

Line 311 is kamailio.cfg is

"modparam ("usrloc", "db_url", DBURL)"

And 'DBURL' is defined as

#! define DBURL "mysql://openser:5mil5My5ql@"

There should be no space between "#!" and "define".
