Hi all,

currently I have been used kamailio and rtpproxy to listen on two different network (bridge mode), and the register of sip users are saved on different locations ("aliases" and "location") according the interface where register is received. When there is a call to a user registered, I use the registered() function of module registrar on my route[ ] block, to discover the network where sip user is connected and use the correct parameters in rtpproxy functions.
From now, I need that my plataform has forking call support and when the same sip user is registered on both networks, I have to use the branch_route[ ]  block to process every branch separately because is necessary different rtpproxy parameters. 
I am with difficult in branch_route to set the correct rtpproxy parameters because I can't find a way to know the network that the branch will be send. Could anybody tell me if exist a form to solve my problem?

Best Regards