Oct 12 09:15:50 localhost /usr/local/kamailio-1.4-pp/sbin/kamailio[3178]: ERROR:core:parse_method: invalid character ø
Oct 12 09:15:50 localhost /usr/local/kamailio-1.4-pp/sbin/kamailio[3178]: INFO:core:parse_first_line: failed to parse the method
Oct 12 09:15:50 localhost /usr/local/kamailio-1.4-pp/sbin/kamailio[3178]: INFO:core:parse_first_line: bad message
Oct 12 09:15:50 localhost /usr/local/kamailio-1.4-pp/sbin/kamailio[3178]: ERROR:core:parse_msg: message=<ø^S1^\^B }^S ¡6 } \216^F^A^O\206^D¡½>
Oct 12 09:15:50 localhost /usr/local/kamailio-1.4-pp/sbin/kamailio[3178]: ERROR:core:receive_msg: parse_msg failed

this error keeping appear in my log file ,what is the reason of that ? or what is cussing that?
how can i  fix that ? 
thanks for any help