
somehow exporting the function was overlooked. I just pushed a commit for it:

  * https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/commit/66582c49ee16a15a6859bfb094c2faaed7960d4d

Can you test and see if works as expected?

On the other hand, are you aware of the listen parameter with advertised address? Isn't it enough for your needs? Like:

listen=udp:localip:5060 advertise publicip:5060

If that works, then advertised ip is used automatically in Via and Record-Route headers.


On 07.04.20 20:22, Jacob Greene wrote:
Hello all! 

I'm wondering if there are any plans to add record_route_advertised_address() function to KEMI? I'm unable to completely finish my migration to KEMI without this function due to server side NAT in our VPC and the record_route header getting automatically set to the advertised address. 

Is there a workaround I could use to change the record route header? Is anyone aware of any resources we could utilize to help get this fixed?

Thanks for reading!

Voice Engineer

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