Thanks Guys, I'll be trying this. Do you know if I can use AVP or vars as parameters for these functions?

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Klaus Darilion <> wrote:
The best would be to tell the providers that they should fix their systems.

As a workaround you could try encode/decode contact functions:

IIRC these functions may cause strange results if you do other contact rewriting too (e.g. fix_nated_contact).


Am 30.04.2010 18:32, schrieb Uriel Rozenbaum:

I'm successfully using a Kamailio + RTPproxy setup in bridge mode with
most of my Gateways. My setup includes two different interfaces one with
a public IP and teh other with the private IP.

Now I'm facing some slight issue. Some providers won't accept my calls
(or calls will have some strange behavior) if the Contact header has an
IP out of immediate range.

I tried to use fix_nated_contact() function but as per my topology, this
function will not change the contact header because the IP is already
the one on the interface.

U 192.168.200.X:5060 -> 192.168.200.Y:5060
INVITE sip:111160911097@192.168.200.Y SIP/2.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 192.168.200.X:5060;branch=z9hG4bK096baacc;rport.
From: "Uriel Rozenbaum" <sip:60911100@192.168.200.X>;tag=as32794d5e.
To: <sip:111160911097@192.168.200.Y>.
Contact: <sip:60911100@*192.168.200.X*>.

U 200.A.A.A:5060 -> 200.B.B.B:5060
INVITE sip:898960911097@200.B.B.B SIP/2.0.
Record-Route: <sip:200.A.A.A;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=as32794d5e>.
Record-Route: <sip:192.168.200.Y;r2=on;lr=on;ftag=as32794d5e>.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 200.A.A.A;branch=z9hG4bK5222.14fbf4f7.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
From: "Uriel Rozenbaum" <sip:60911100@192.168.200.X>;tag=as32794d5e.
To: <sip:111160911097@192.168.200.Y>.
Contact: <sip:60911100@*192.168.200.X*>.

Is there any way to let know Kamailio the outgoing IP I'll be using and
fix the contact accordingly?
I can trigger this change after I know the destination IP.


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