
the storage in hash table is not an array. Only loading at the beginning with array flag will set the proper size key. Afterwards, if you change the keys, the size is not updated unless you do it manually.

Maybe you can provide more details about what you want to achieve and we can provide hints on that direction.


On 31/08/16 00:16, Fabian Borot wrote:

Hi, I am using htable module with version 4.4 storing multiple values in the same key (I set the key_type = 1 for each entry, array key).

I have found an issue with the htable module. Some keys show up when using: "./kamcmd htable.get my_table key[0]"  but when asking for the "key::size" I says that the key does not exist. 

Also some entries have the "key::size" entry but the actual "key[0]" for example is reported as non existent:

See these 2 examples:

Ex:1 "key[0]" is shown but "key::size" is not:

[root@ar-mia-proxy-01 sbin]# ./kamcmd htable.get htable_lcrgwA 8[0]
        item: {
                name: 8[0]
                value: 555|5875||5060|0|4|1|1|Broadvox2010IN
                flags: 2
                expire: NEVER
[root@ar-mia-proxy-01 sbin]# ./kamcmd htable.get htable_lcrgwA 8::size
error: 500 - Key name doesn't exist in htable.

Ex2: "key::size" is shown but "key[0]" is not:

[root@ar-mia-proxy-01 sbin]# ./kamcmd htable.get htable_lcrgwA 9[0]
error: 500 - Key name doesn't exist in htable.
[root@ar-mia-proxy-01 sbin]# ./kamcmd htable.get htable_lcrgwA 9::size
        item: {
                name: 9::size
                value: 6
                flags: 0
                expire: NEVER

Also, for this case "9::size",  supposedly there are 6 entries and in reality there are only 4 in the tables where I am loading them from

For the case "8::size" that returns 2 the count it is right , the prob is that I can not get the "8[0]" and "8[1]" keys

Any ideas are very appreciated, thank you


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