The access files are the following ...

prw-rw-rw-    1 root     root            0 Mar 19 13:16 am_fifo
prw-rw----    1 root     root            0 Mar 19 13:15 ser_fifo

Where can i find the log file?


Atle Samuelsen wrote:
* F.S.Salloum <> [040319 09:54]:
Dear all,

Has anybody installed ser with sems and isdngw?
I'v installed it, works like a dream..
I checked the website  and i found out a conf file (berlios)
but has problems when it calls the vm module.

Could you send the log file with the problems ? wihtout knowing I would
check the fifo rights and that sems is reading from the ser fifo .. and
that ser is reading from sems fifo

The CAPI works fine with Asterisk PBX, but i prefer ser in order
to develop more advanced hybrid services (HOLD, TRANSFER etc).
Remember to put in the capinumbers that you wound want it to answer at.
Attached you can find the conf files.

Thanks in advance