You should handle the cancel.

Sent from mobile, with due apologies for brevity and errors.

On Jan 28, 2020, at 8:45 AM, Ali Taher <> wrote:

Hello Alex,


Kamailio sent 300 multiple choice back to SBC even after the SBC sent the CANCEL request , knowing that SBC sent the CANCEL 4 times as Kamailio didn’t respond to it , which is normal as in the routing logic I’m only handling INVITE packets (if (is_method("INVITE"))).

So I’m confused whether I have to handle it or not.



Ali Taher


From: sr-users <> On Behalf Of Alex Balashov
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 3:37 PM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] SIP Redirect CANCEL handling


Unless you have created a transaction in the course of processing the redirect, there is no transaction to terminate, and accordingly no 487 to generate. However, these decisions are made by the default CANCEL handling (with hooks into TM) from the stock Kamailio config. You should not need any special logic of your own here.


Sent from my iPad

On Jan 28, 2020, at 8:29 AM, Ali Taher <> wrote:



I’m using Kamailio as sip redirect server where SBC forwards the calls to Kamailio which sends the routing back to SBC in 3xx response.


Now, I need to handle CANCEL requests sent from SBC to Kamailio. Here is the scenario:

the client sends CANCEL request to SBC which responds with 200 OK and 487 Request Terminated and then sends CANCEL request to Kamailio.

I’m not sure how Kamailio should handle the CANCEL request here, should it send only 200 OK back to SBC or also should send 487 request terminated?



Ali Taher

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