Can someone help me to discard those messages from kamailio log files?
ERROR: <core> [core/parser/parse_fline.c:262]: parse_first_line(): parse_first_line: bad message (offset: 22)
ERROR: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:681]: parse_msg(): ERROR: parse_msg: message=<HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols#015#012Sia: SIP/2.0/TLS sip#015#012Upgrade: websocket#015#012Connection: upgrade#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Accept: VeiXbJClWneIrIyYgM5v3XKYHLA=#015#012Server: WebRTC GW#015#012Content-Length: 0#015#012#015#012>
As I understand this is just an HTTP response to the first request, and shouldn't go through config file execution, but I don't understand why it is getting through it.
Thank you