
Can you please elaborate a bit on this?
Does it mean i need to compile my acc module with mysql ie acc_mysql just like acc_syslog????

Also, when I try using the syslog....  as per the instructions in the article : http://openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/tutorials:debug-syslog-messages
it says i need to add this line:  
# log messages with LOG_LOCAL0 in /var/log/ser.log
local0.*                                                   -/var/log/ser.log


to the syslog.conf file placed in /etc/syslog.conf

But, when i insert that line, error is displayed, about not being supported...

Dont know what all issue is it about...

Can anyone help?

Parminder Nayyar

ram <talk2ram@gmail.com>
Sent by: users-bounces@openser.org

07/25/2007 05:54 PM

Re: [OpenSER-Users] Re: [Serusers] CDRz?

On 7/25/07, Parminder.Nayyar@relianceada.com <Parminder.Nayyar@relianceada.com > wrote:

Hello Friends ...

Jai, Thanks for showing a pointer towards teh acc module...

but i really cudn't grasp even a bit out of it... all it says is about logs being dumped, with specific data like \:

The fixed minimal accouting information is:

Request Method name

>From header TAG parameter

To header TAG parameter


3-digit Status code from final reply

Reason phrase from final reply

Time stamp when transaction was completed

Now, my requirement is to generate a CDR for billing purpose...  In syslog there are not any logs present, and even if i get the logs there.. using changes in config file, how do i use this raw information to generated CDRz for billing purposes???

I have searched for quite a few tools online which work on the output of SER to generate CDR or for CDR collection... but I need a free software, they are all paid services... Can someone help me where should i go further..? I'm lost ... :(

Thanks a lot!

Parminder Nayyar

acc module write call records to Mysql
Invite, ack , bye
with this you can generate CDR wrting small scripts, or install serweb to check that records.

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