
On 10/3/06, Jeremie Le Hen <jeremie@le-hen.org> wrote:
Hi Weiter,

On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 12:59:22PM +0200, Weiter Leiter wrote:
> Why don't you post them in the bug tracking system? This way other people
> could see them.

Actually, I have already submitted one patch for the nathelper module in
the tracker, but I thought it was reserved only for OpenSER itself,
since the CVS repository doesn't seem to hold the RTPProxy sources.

Can I really send a patch for RTPProxy on this tracker, or should I
contact Maxim Sobolev directly ?

Sorry, I thought your patch was for RTPProxy, while the one I found is only for the nathelper module.
The patch might have to be reviewed by one of OpenSER's developers (though I'm rather unconvinced of it's necessity); I'm not sure Maxim's committed to both projects. Try posting on devel list.


According to this webpage [1], it seems RTPProxy is developped along
SER at berlios.de.

[1] http://www.iptel.org/downloads

> PS. You should try the devel list.
> PS. You could try the ser's lists, I saw there his last email from
> sobomax@sippysoft.com.

Thank you for the tip.  I will try this mail address.

Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >