Hey list,


Think I’m finally making some progress with msilo and serweb messaging.  Things appear to work, but when I look in the logs I see some interesting things.  The relevant bits of code are shown at the bottom.


Basically what I see from the logs is that when a UA is ONLINE, but Doesn’t support messaging, I correctly see:

(i.e the failure_route[1] seems to pick it up).


Jul 21 16:55:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[20927]: MESSAGING: Destination UA does not support MESSAGE requests. Stored.


In the log file.  However, it is immediately followed by:   ( is sip.dev.inmarsat.com – its not in DNS yet)


Jul 21 16:55:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[20927]: ACC: transaction answered: method=MESSAGE, i-uri=sip:admin@, o-uri=sip:admin@, call_id=397ffff9-20938@, from=sip:test1@sip.dev.inmarsat.com;tag=533cb9e91f4b999cf76861cbb9ed54ed-c64b, code=202

Jul 21 16:55:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[20924]: MESSAGING: MESSAGE to offline user received -> storing using MSILO

Jul 21 16:55:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[20924]: MESSAGING: offline message NOT stored

Jul 21 16:55:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[20924]: ACC: transaction answered: method=MESSAGE, i-uri=sip:daemon@sip.dev.inmarsat.com, o-uri=sip:daemon@sip.dev.inmarsat.com, call_id=397ffff7-20927@, from=sip:sip_registrar@;tag=533cb9e91f4b999cf76861cbb9ed54ed-d172, code=503

Jul 21 16:55:03 sip /usr/sbin/ser[20924]: MESSAGING: MESSAGE to offline user received -> storing using MSILO


i.e. then something happens which makes Ser process it again as a message to an offline user.  I don’t understand this.  Is it something to do with the way that serweb sends messages?  Perhaps something related to this sip:daemon@... address? Does Ser try and send it internally? And is my logic then confused by the internal ACK’s?


Any help would be very very much appreciated.


Thanks again,





----------------- BEGIN CODE SNIPPETS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                if (!lookup("location")) {  # BEGIN if not in location database


                  # Handle messages

                  if (method=="MESSAGE") {

                    log(1, "MESSAGING: MESSAGE to offline user received -> storing using MSILO\n");







                # END "if not in location database"



    {  # BEGIN “user is in location database”


                  # Set flag for accounting missed calls.  If no-answer or other

                  # network error will be logged from here


                  # Check if UA supports messaging protocol before

                  # forward to user's current destination





               # END "user is in location database"






failure_route[1] {

        # forwarding failed -- check if the request was a MESSAGE

        if (!method=="MESSAGE")





        # we have changed the R-URI with the contact address -- ignore it now

        if (m_store("1"))


                log(1, "MESSAGING: Destination UA does not support MESSAGE requests. Stored.\n");

                t_reply("202", "Accepted for delivery");





                log(1, "MESSAGING: WARNING! MESSAGE request unsupported, but not stored!\n");

                t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");







route[2]  {

        # Route for handling message transmission using msilo. Store a message locally if a UA

        # is offline, but supports messaging protocol.


        if (!t_newtran()) {





        if (m_store("0")) {

          log(1, "MESSAGING: offline message stored\n");

          t_reply("202", "Accepted for Later Delivery");




        log(1, "MESSAGING: offline message NOT stored\n");

        t_reply("503", "Service Unavailable");





Dave Bath
07736 232085

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