
Im new with SER but im having trouble installing the support module which is the ser-mysql.
I dont know if I miss during the installation. Can you please help me how to add / compile
my ser with mysql as backend tool running on debian.. Im using ser-0.8.14.


At 10:24 PM 4/18/2005, Java Rockx wrote:

I would recommend you surf to http://onsip.org/ and download the Getting Started document. It fully describes these things.


On 4/18/05, Daniel Corbe < daniel.junkmail@gmail.com> wrote:

This seems like a really simple problem to me.  I just don't know
where to start looking for my answer.  If someone could kindly take a

On 4/17/05, Daniel Corbe < daniel.junkmail@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem as well as a couple of questions which don't seem to
> be covered in the documentation.
> 1) I successfully got an installation of SER running with a MySQL
> back-end and Digest Authentication.  I've added a user with the
> following command:
> /usr/local/sbin/serctl add 2000 pl00p4f daniel.junkmail@gmail.com
> Ultimatly, 2000 is the username (phone number of the SIP UA) and
> pl00p4f is the password.
> I've verified that this user is in the database:
> mysql> select * from subscriber where username like '2000'\G
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>         phplib_id: 8ba7accc847208eb10eb6baa6373f89d
>          username: 2000
>            domain: eglobalphone.com
>          password: pl00p4f
>        first_name:
>         last_name:
>             phone:
>     email_address: dcorbe@gmail.com
>  datetime_created: 2005-04-16 19:47:09
> datetime_modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
>      confirmation:
>              flag: o
>  sendnotification:
>          greeting:
>               ha1: 8ba7accc847208eb10eb6baa6373f89d
>              ha1b: 711817121ed6cae7e44837e3fddf78d4
>             perms: NULL
>        allow_find: 0
>          timezone: NULL
>              rpid: NULL
> 1 row in set (0.14 sec)
> However; I cannot log into my proxy server.  I keep getting 401
> Unauthorized back.
> Here's a libpcap capture of my session.  Also attached is my ser config file.
> I'm not sure what to do or what
> 2) And speaking of the SER config file, I have a question about the
> userloc module
> What is the difference between www_authorize/www_challenge and
> proxy_authorize/proxy_challenge?
> Thank you for your help.
> -Daniel

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