
I'd suggest surfing to http://onsip.org/ and getting the Getting Started docs.


On 4/20/05, Ahmad Cheikh-Moussa <acm@netuse.de> wrote:

I'am new in to this VoIP technolgie.
I have a SER 0.9.0 wit Cisco IOS Gatewy.
I only want to configure a registrar Server with a
Cisco gateway, which is connected to the PSTN.

Can someone give me an ser.cfg example ?
How can I tell the ser server that every call,
which starts with 0, route directly to the
IOS Gateway ?

I added two user to the ser db.
The users got a login, password and an email.
Additional to this I added to both user a userloc
with serctl ul add <user> sip:1223@domain.de.

Both users can not phone each other. I got an busy tone
and my Cisco 7960 Phone shows "reorder".

Did I forgot something ?

Here an output of serctl ul show:
eagle[admin] # ./serctl ul show
Dumping all contacts may take long: are you sure you want to proceed? [Y|N] y
===Domain list===
name : 'aliases'
size : 512
table: fcda0dd8
d_ll {
    n    : 0
    first: 0
    last : 0
name : 'location'
size : 512
table: fcd9e8b8
d_ll {
    n    : 2
    first: fcda08e8
    last : fcda0af8

domain: 'location'
aor   : 'ahmad02'
domain    : 'location'
aor       : 'ahmad02'
Contact   : ' sip:460@netuse.de'
Expires   : -60589
q         : 1
Call-ID   : 'The-Answer-To-The-Ultimate-Question-Of-Life-Universe-And-Everything'
CSeq      : 42
replic    : 0
User-Agent: 'SIP Express Router FIFO'
received  : ''
State     : CS_SYNC
Flags     : 128
next      : 0
prev      : 0
domain: 'location'
aor   : 'ahmad'
domain    : 'location'
aor       : 'ahmad'
Contact   : 'sip:459@netuse.de'
Expires   : -60655
q         : 1
Call-ID   : 'The-Answer-To-The-Ultimate-Question-Of-Life-Universe-And-Everything'
CSeq      : 42
replic    : 0
User-Agent: 'SIP Express Router FIFO'
received  : ''
State     : CS_SYNC
Flags     : 128
next      : 0
prev      : 0

===/Domain list===

Thanks in advance,

Ahmad Cheikh-Moussa
Dr.-Hell-Straße, 24107 Kiel, Germany
Telefon: +49 431 2390 400 --  Telefax: +49 431 2390 499
Service: Service@NetUSE.DE --  http://NetUSE.DE/

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