Thanks for your efforts, now after lots of hours trying different ways and working through my config, I'm baffled. Somehow I think I must have done something wrong when combining different tutorials (like use of dispatcher, realtime integration and websocket clients). Something I noticed was that before I had a rtpproxy_manage("CO"); call in NATMANAGE route. I had changed it to rtpengine_manage("replace-origin replace-session-connection"); by comparing mediaproxy-ng and rtpengine documentations. I wonder if this might mess up the sdp and appear in logs as if some flags are missing? In some of my tests the rtpengine_offer_flags variable had null value in some places, I didn't analyse that yet in any detail but that does tell me that something's happening that shoudln't.
I decided to upgrade my clients to using the Onsip sip.js (0.6.1) instead of jssip. Also, I upgraded my Asterisk to 11.11.0. I started getting different results, namely a whole new set of problems; the location lookup keeps failing when trying to make calls from any client. I'll start investigating that now and try different clients etc. When I get calls working again I can focus on the sdp side.