Hello Maxim Sobolev,

Thank you for your great assistance for helping to me, resolving the issue,

As per your mail, i have upgrade the RtpProxy 1.2 latest. Now its recording file.

But the recording the file was in the format of  *.rtp file.

How can I can listen that rtp file. Is  the rtp file recording into single file of the both sides of uac's  or .  for callee is seperate file and caller 's seperate files.

But, i  was file as below like that

" caller's call_id:caller's from_tag;1.rtp "

My main intension is how to listen these rtp files. is any tool are there that converts wav or gsm from rtp file .


Thanks &Regards
Ravi Prakash Sunkara
VoIP Development Tech Lead
Groucho Marx  - "A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running."

2008/7/23 Maxim Sobolev <sobomax@sippysoft.com>
Dear Ravi,

It appears to be a compatibility issue between the new RTPproxy and
OpenSER/nathelper. I have committed a fix, which is included into the
latest 1.2 snapshot of the RTPproxy available at
http://www.rtpproxy.org. Please try and let me know if it still doesn't
work. Please also note that you also need to issue start_recording() in
the onroute_reply section, otherwise the RTPproxy would only record
media in one direction.

Thank you for the reporting!

LetMeKnow wrote:
> Hello user's OpenSER and RTPproxy
> Am to integrate the openser and rtprpxy for live recording of converstions.
> Am just to try to how to do the recording in openser and rtpprpxy
> Am using openser-1.3.2 and Rtpproxy-1.2 .
> in my Lab, means  proxy and UAC's all are in internal LAN.
> In openser.cfg

Maksym Sobolyev
Sippy Software, Inc.
Internet Telephony (VoIP) Experts
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