Thanks Flavio for the reply.

I have been scrubbing those for hours it seems.

# dictionary of allowed attributes and values
# just like in the normal RADIUS distributions
dictionary      /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.ser

/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.ser  <-- file that came with CDRTool.
# SIP RADIUS attributes
# Schulzrinne indicates attributes according to
# draft-schulzrinne-sipping-radius-accounting-00
# Proprietary indicates an attribute that hasn't
# been standardized
# NOTE: All standard (IANA registered) attributes are
#       defined in the default dictionary of the
#       radiusclient-ng library.

### Take standard attributes from the radiusclient-ng dictionaries ###

$INCLUDE                /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary

### SIP Attributes ###
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Method                   101  integer    # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Response-Code            102  integer    # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Cseq                     103  string     # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-To-Tag                   104  string     # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-From-Tag                 105  string     # Schulzrinne, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Branch-ID                106  string
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Translated-Request-URI   107  string     # Proprietary, acc
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Uri-User                 208  string     # Proprietary, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Group                    211  string     # Proprietary, group_radius
ATTRIBUTE Sip-Rpid                     213  string     # Proprietary, auth_radius
ATTRIBUTE Billing-Party                218  string
ATTRIBUTE SIP-AVP                      225  string     # Proprietary, avp_radius

But when OSER places the packet on the wire via the client:
          Unknown Attribute (102), length: 6, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (101), length: 6, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (107), length: 35, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (104), length: 10, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (105), length: 11, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (103), length: 6, Value:

Do you see me missing something?

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Flavio Goncalves <> wrote:



Check your radius dictionaries and the order of the includes. You are probably not including OpenSER (SIP) attributes.




Flavio E. Goncalves

----- Mensagem original ----
De: Krom <>
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 31 de Março de 2008 16:07:00
Assunto: [OpenSER-Users] OpenSER and radiusclient-ng [Unknown Attribute]

Parallel posting this to both CDRTool users and OpenSER users, so apologies to members of both.

I have installed the latest version of CDRTool and running it with OpenSER 1.1.1 for the time being.  When looking at the tcpdump of the records leaving the OpenSER server via radiusclient-ng I am viewing a few 'Unknown Attribute' statements.


          Accounting Status Attribute (40), length: 6, Value: Start
          Service Type Attribute (6), length: 6, Value: #15
          Unknown Attribute (102), length: 6, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (101), length: 6, Value:
          Username Attribute (1), length: 26, Value: +15552221111@x.x.x.x
          Calling Station Attribute (31), length: 24, Value: sip:+15552221111@x.x.x.x
          Called Station Attribute (30), length: 32, Value: sip:+15553334444@x.x.x.x
          Unknown Attribute (107), length: 35, Value:
          Accounting Session ID Attribute (44), length: 14, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (104), length: 10, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (105), length: 7, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (103), length: 6, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (214), length: 15, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (215), length: 6, Value:
          Unknown Attribute (216), length: 32, Value:
          Event Timestamp Attribute (55), length: 6, Value: Thu Mar 27 11:01:23 2008
          NAS IP Address Attribute (4), length: 6, Value: x.x.x.x
          NAS Port Attribute (5), length: 6, Value: 5060
          Accounting Delay Attribute (41), length: 6, Value: 00 secs

I have looked into the dictionary.ser and each of the Attributes are defined and the dictionary file that is defined in radiusclient.conf has the $INCLUDE dictionary.ser statement.

Any hints, ideas or links would be appreciated.

-- Krom

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-- Krom