Hello. We use 2 kamailio server 4.3 master brancher for load balansing cluster. We have some problems with this deplooiment

fist of all we have REgstering issue: Witth one server all works fine (we have some endpoints with same creditians) all endpoints reinging well. But at 2 servers we hawe problem with this- call ringing only at one endpoint. We use Database for USRLOC module

modparam("usrloc", "db_url", DBURL)
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 3)
modparam("usrloc", "use_domain", MULTIDOMAIN)

As i think it mean al connections to servers ives at database. We have one database for 2 servers and this is means it only one table LOCATION for its.

The second problen id that when loadbalanser sends bye to kamailio from the outside- bye is not recieves to endpoint. It say that no transaction with this CallID. I think it is because transaction goues through another kamailio and kamiaio that recieves BYE does not know about it transaction.

So my first qestion- Does anybody have some information about loafd balansiong between kamailios?

And second question - how to resolve issue with LOCATION table?
