On Wednesday 18 August 2010, Ernest Mavrel wrote:
Kamailio script I thing is ok. I have problem with setup PDB server. In doc
is written: "The client is this module and the server exists in the
/utils/pdbt directory." How to establish PDB server. I went to the
/utils/pdbt, compile and install. What is next step?
Hi Ernest,
ok, now you should have the server available on your system in /usr/bin. Now
you need some data source, the format is in the docs directory specified for
your number portability informations. Then you can build the binary routing
data with help of the pdbt tool. Then just start the server with the data
source and configure the module in the kamailio script. You can use the pdbt
tool to check if the daemon answer correctly.
BTW, you can also build a debian package for the server, it will give you two
packages for the server and the tool.