thanks for all of you to provide me your valuable advice to setup voice mail scenario...
Now I am able to listen greeting message on my sip user agent ..but i am getting two problem ..
1) After greeting message answer machine has asked to record my message when i have recored the message and the answer machine has created the sound file its size is only 44 bytes and their is nothing to related my recorded message..
2) The Ser is not forwarding the recorded message on callee's mail id..does it require some special setting on SER or user client...
i am also inserting the part of log of answer_machine generated at the time voice recording...
(13657) DEBUG: openReplyFifo (AmRequest.cpp:362): flags=800
(13657) DEBUG: openReplyFifo (AmRequest.cpp:364): flags=0
(13657) DEBUG: write_to_fifo (AmRequest.cpp:708): Write to fifo: completed
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:400): Waiting for Ser to respond to the FIFO request...
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:421): response from Ser: 200 fifo_t_reply succeeded
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:442): n_cmd.from_uri= <>
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:445): n_cmd.next_hop= <>
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:448): n_cmd.route= <>
(13657) DEBUG: sendToFIFO (AmRequest.cpp:216): sendToFifo returns ret=getReturnCode=0
(13657) DEBUG: setRAddr (AmRtpStream.cpp:318): RTP remote address set to
(13657) DEBUG: run (AmSession.cpp:141): Sending Rtp data to
(13657) DEBUG: onSessionStart (AnswerMachine.cpp:153): starting sending
(13657) DEBUG: trying to read WAV file
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <RIFF>
(13657) DEBUG: file size = <129710>
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <WAVE>
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <fmt >
(13657) DEBUG: chunk_size = <18>
(13657) DEBUG: fmt = <01>
(13657) DEBUG: channels = <1>
(13657) DEBUG: rate = <8000>
(13657) DEBUG: bits/sample = <16>
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <fact>
(13657) DEBUG: chunk size = <4>
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <data>
(13657) DEBUG: chunk size = <129660>
(13657) DEBUG: streamGet (AmAudio.cpp:483): 0-stuffing packet: adding 260 bytes (packet size=320)
(13657) DEBUG: convert (AmAudio.cpp:208): end of stream
(13657) DEBUG: trying to read WAV file
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <RIFF>
(13657) DEBUG: file size = <1638>
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <WAVE>
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <fmt >
(13657) DEBUG: chunk_size =
(13657) DEBUG: fmt = <01>
(13657) DEBUG: channels = <1>
(13657) DEBUG: rate = <8000>
(13657) DEBUG: bits/sample = <16>
(13657) DEBUG: tag = <data>
(13657) DEBUG: chunk size = <1602>
(13657) DEBUG: streamGet (AmAudio.cpp:483): 0-stuffing packet: adding 318 bytes (packet size=320)
(13657) DEBUG: convert (AmAudio.cpp:208): end of stream
(13657) DEBUG: onSessionStart (AnswerMachine.cpp:156): ... announce reaches its end.
(13657) DEBUG: onSessionStart (AnswerMachine.cpp:162): starting recording message...(
(13657) DEBUG: run (AmServer.cpp:167): version= <0.2>
(13657) DEBUG: run (AmServer.cpp:177): fct_name= <sip_request.bye>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:236): cmd.method= <BYE>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:237): cmd.user= <koyama>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:238):
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:239): cmd.domain= <>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:240): cmd.dstip= <>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:241): cmd.port= <>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:242): cmd.r_uri= <sip:koyama@>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:243): cmd.from_uri= <sip:>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:244): cmd.from= <<sip:>>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:245): <<sip:koyama@>;tag=00003559795FCA9D>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:246): cmd.callid= <
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:247): cmd.from_tag= <377134671>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:248): cmd.to_tag= <00003559795FCA9D>
(13657) DEBUG: execute
(AmServer.cpp:251): cseq_str= <2>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:256): cseq= <2>(2)
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:258): cmd.key= <36432:51628236>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:259): cmd.route= <>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:260): cmd.next_hop= <>
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:266): hdrs: `'
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:273): body: `'
(13657) DEBUG: execute (AmServer.cpp:284): everything is OK !
(13657) DEBUG: sadSession (AmSession.cpp:310): searching for session to destroy (
(13657) DEBUG: findSession (AmSession.cpp:374): session found with key
(13657) DEBUG: destroySession (AmSession.cpp:332): sess_it != a_sessions.end()
(13657) DEBUG: destroySession (AmSession.cpp:335): it !=
(13657) DEBUG: destroySession (AmSession.cpp:342): session found: stopping session
(13657) DEBUG: stopAndQueue (AmSession.cpp:290): session cleaner trying to stop 80cecf8
(13657) DEBUG: postEvent (AmEventQueue.cpp:47): AmEventQueue: trying to post event
(13657) DEBUG: postEvent (AmEventQueue.cpp:55): AmEventQueue: event posted
(13657) DEBUG: destroySession (AmSession.cpp:344): session stopped and destroyed (#sessions=0)
(13657) DEBUG: sendToFIFO (AmRequest.cpp:194): msg=<:vm_reply:000035591E83AFBB
Contact: <sip:koyama@>
(13657) DEBUG: openReplyFifo (AmRequest.cpp:362): flags=800
(13657) DEBUG: openReplyFifo (AmRequest.cpp:364): flags=0
(13657) DEBUG: write_to_fifo (AmRequest.cpp:708): Write to fifo: completed
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:400): Waiting for Ser to respond to the FIFO request...
(13657) DEBUG: onSessionStart (AnswerMachine.cpp:165): ... finished recording message
(13657) DEBUG: onSessionStart (AnswerMachine.cpp:171): recorded data size: 0
(13657) DEBUG: sadSession (AmSession.cpp:310): searching for session to destroy (
(13657) DEBUG: destroySession (AmSession.cpp:351): sess_it == sessions.end()
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:421): response from Ser: 200 fifo_t_reply succeeded
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode
(AmRequest.cpp:442): n_cmd.from_uri= <>
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:445): n_cmd.next_hop= <>
(13657) DEBUG: getReturnCode (AmRequest.cpp:448): n_cmd.route= <>
(13657) DEBUG: sendToFIFO (AmRequest.cpp:216): sendToFifo returns ret=getReturnCode=0
(13657) DEBUG: run (AmSession.cpp:243): Session cleaner starting its work
(13657) DEBUG: run (AmSession.cpp:257): session 80cecf8 has been destroyed'
(13657) DEBUG: run (AmSession.cpp:280): Session cleaner finished