I've well seen the expires=0 but I was thinking the PS will notify with an expires=0.
So I didn't thinking its a problem... I may be wrong :D
And to answer you, yes, it always happens.
Thanks you,

2009/3/4 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com>

On 03/04/2009 04:01 PM, Eric PTAK wrote:
 I'm trying to use *_dialoginfo modules but I'm facing to a missunderstanding, or a bug.
In fact, the presence server is working and I'm also able to subscribe to dialog event.
But when pua_dialoginfo uses pua to send the Publish, I don't know where it going...
I even not sure publishes are really sent.
 This the log :
 DBG:dialog:run_create_callbacks: dialog=0xb59d30b0
DBG:pua_dialoginfo:__dialog_created: new INVITE dialog created: from=sip:alice@domain
DBG:core:grep_aliases: comparing host [0:domain:0] with us [0:domain:0]
DBG:core:grep_aliases: match found for: [0:domain:0]
DBG:core:check_self: host == me
DBG:pua_dialoginfo:build_dialoginfo: new_body: <?xml version="1.0"?> <dialog-info xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info" version="0" state="full" entity="sip:alice@domain">   <dialog id="MzQ3N2FiMzhiZGIwNzhhNDhhNjcxN2Y5OGJhY2M0N2Q." call-id="MzQ3N2FiMzhiZGIwNzhhNDhhNjcxN2Y5OGJhY2M0N2Q." direction="initiator">     <state>Trying</state>     <remote>       <identity>sip:bob@domain</identity>       <target uri="sip:bob@domain"/>     </remote>     <local>       <identity>sip:alice@domain</identity>       <target uri="sip:alice@domain"/>     </local>   </dialog> </dialog-info> DBG:pua_dialoginfo:dialog_publish: publish uri= sip:alice@domain
DBG:pua_dialoginfo:print_publ: publ:
DBG:pua_dialoginfo:print_publ: uri= sip:alice@domain
DBG:pua_dialoginfo:print_publ: id= DIALOG_PUBLISH.MzQ3N2FiMzhiZGIwNzhhNDhhNjcxN2Y5OGJhY2M0N2Q.
DBG:pua_dialoginfo:print_publ: expires= 0
DBG:pua:send_publish: pres_uri=sip:alice@domain
DBG:pua:search_htable: core_hash= 118
DBG:pua:search_htable: record not found
DBG:pua:send_publish: insert type
DBG:pua:send_publish: UPDATE_TYPE and no record found DBG:pua:send_publish: request for a publish with expires 0 and no record found

According to this message, the publish has the expires value 0, therefore is no longer sent.

Does this happen for all cases or from time to time?


DBG:dialog:get_dlg_timeout: invalid AVP value, use default timeout
DBG:tm:run_reqin_callbacks: trans=0xb59d3270, callback type 1, id 0 entered

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Daniel-Constantin Mierla