Now I use a real IMS user data to register this user(for example
18616278715) to China Unicom's IMS through kamailio.
I can register successsfully, and can make call using this number,
the callee can pick up phone. However
neither party can hear counter part.
So, this should be rtp problem. And I captured a .pcap file on
port 5060 like below. In this, I see in SDP information
it says, it's a private address. So maybe the
callee can't setup a circuit to this ip, and thus no media was
Should I uncomment RTPPROXY_ADDRESS, as in my pcscf.cfg there are
two lines. If I should do this, what ip and port should I use to
replace "udp: udp:" ?
# IP-Adress(es) of the RTP-Proxy
##!define RTPPROXY_ADDRESS "udp:
##!define RTPPROXY_ADDRESS "udp:"
This is the .pcap file captured on port 5060.