
it is for SIP over TCP/TLS.

Check the next link to see if the ha solution described there suits your needs:

  - https://www.kamailio.org/w/2015/11/kamailio-ha-with-ansible-corosync-and-pacemaker/


On 28.10.19 06:03, Youssef Boujraf wrote:
Dear All,

I have seen in the new kamailio release 5.3.0, kamailio support for haproxy protocol – both the v1 (human-readable) and v2 (binary) versions of the protocol are supported ( https://www.kamailio.org/w/kamailio-v5-3-0-release-notes/ ) but it seems to be for Database, webserver failover not for kamailio itself.
Haproxy is ONLY supporting TCP but not UDP.

My question is : 

I am looking for failover service of kamailio servers looks like haproxy but udp & tcp.

- one domain name : sip.secure.com pointing my public ip address.
- two kamailio server pointing same database content (user, whitelist, ...) no asterisk or pbx. Kamailio is used Only for signaling (users, whitelist & rtp)

Monitoring service : identify who is the kamailio server online, offline and the ability to force all the SIP/RTP/MANAGEMENT connection from Kamailio Srv1 to Kamailio Srv2 and vice-versa ?

Thanks for your suggestions.

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