i somewhat agree with Daniel. The wstunnel should forward Connection and Upgrade headers, instead of absorbing them. Otherwise kamailio or whatever back-end server you may use will never know it is WS connection, thus would treat the connection in simple HTTP context.

In my opinion, Nginx has a better solution then apache for WS proxy. It allows to define "extra" headers that the proxy service is suppose to forward to backend server, so that back-end server have full understanding of client characteristics (including the connection type being WS instead of HTTP).

Have a look at this for more details,


Hope this helps.

Thank you.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 5:31 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:

On 08/04/15 15:28, Juha Heinanen wrote:
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
>> It still not clear to me what is going (or expected) to happen
>> afterwards. Will this connection be http or websocket? Because websocket
>> requires framing of the data. Http stays tcp streaming connection.
>> Given that it is started as HTTP but no Upgrade is required, I guess
>> that Apache is expecting to deal with http further. And then practically
>> is not websocket and should not be considered as such.
>> Anyhow, perhaps you can look inside the websocket function and try to
>> ignore the parts dealing with the missing headers. Then see what apache
>> sends next. You can eventually send a 101 reply with some forged
>> Sec-WebSocket-Accept from config file just to emulate and see the
>> results. Then if it is websocket transmission, then websocket module can
>> be adjusted to cope with this situation.
> i removed CONNECTION and UPGRADE from ws_handle_handshake
>                                       | SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL\
>                                       | SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION)
> and in the config called ws_handle_handshake() if Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
> header exists and has body 'sip'. after that websocket connections via
> apache ws_tunnel worked fine.
> in my opinion we could make the above change, since existence of
> Connection and Upgrade headers can be checked in config rather than in
> the code.  that is what the example websocket config does anyway:
>       if (($hdr(Upgrade) == "websocket") &&
>                 in_list("Upgrade", $hdr(Connection), ",") &&
>                       ($rm == "GET")) {
> comments?

I think this behaviour should be made based on a new parameter for the
module, defaulting to the current behavior -- using the http/websocket
proxy is not a common scenario. Also, I am not sure how valid is to
expect switching to websocket connection without demanding it. Plus, in
this way the upgrade to newer version is not breaking exiting configs.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, May 27-29, 2015
Berlin, Germany - http://www.kamailioworld.com

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