My ones are clear since are used by more than one app, so I have  'User-Password' as attribute.
Not sure whether "Cleartext-Password" should do, since I did not play with the latest Freeradius yet, but you could try changing into both what Juha has or what I have.


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 4:50 PM, Juha Heinanen <> wrote:
Pete Kay writes:

 > It returns:
 > +----+----------+--------------------+-------+----+
 > | id | username | attribute          | value | op |
 > +----+----------+--------------------+-------+----+
 > |  3 | 1006     | Cleartext-Password | 1234  | := |
 > +----+----------+--------------------+-------+----+

i use encrypted passwords and attribute then is Digest-HA1.

-- juha

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