
On 6/19/13 1:57 PM, Mino Haluz wrote:

I've been playing with dispatcher settings, and I cannot get it working as expected. I would like to have my destination IP1 being always probed and some destinations should be marked as active non-probing. 

So, in my config I have

ds_probing_mode = 0  (documentation:  If set to 0, only the gateways with state PROBING are tested;)

probing is intermediary state, toward active or inactive. So with first threshold result, it switches to the appropriate state.

Ok, so I set flag = 8 in dispatcher list for IP1 (documentation:  3 (value 8) - probing destination (sending keep alives);)

Restart of kamailio, host IP1 is AP, after first interval (10sec), 200OK from gateway is received, and host becomes AX (active non-probing). Why ?? What I expect is that host stays AP.  Why the probing mode is turned off when first check is OK?

I can somehow do it with ds_probing_mode = 1 but this is not I want - I need that some gateways are not probed at all (documentation:  if set to 1, all gateways are tested - useless for me)

I tried every flag range 0-10. I think it does not work as documentation states or I simply do not understand its meaning. 

Please help me to have this clear, this module is quite critical for us.
Probably it is needed a new flag to say NOPROBE when ds_probing_mode = 1 . I will try to look over it when I have some time.

Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com
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Kamailio Advanced Training, San Francisco, USA - June 24-27, 2013
  * http://asipto.com/u/katu *