event_route[dialog:failed] {
xlog("L_ALERT", '[DIALOG:FAILED] "req":"$rm", "cs":"$cs", "dst":"$du", "from":"$fU", "to":"$tU", "cid":"$ci", "si":"$si", "sp":"$sp", "kts":$TV(Sn)' + "\n");
Quite simple. But when actual dialog failed on fr_inv_timer excite, in logs I have
ALERT: <script>: [DIALOG:FAILED] "req":"OPTIONS", "cs":"1", "dst":"<null>", "from":"you", "to":"you", "cid":"123", "si":"", "sp":"5060", "kts":1560329373.947588
And I can't get which dialog failed exactly. But on the other hand, I can catch it on failure_route on t_branch_timeout()
That was a question actually. Cause on call reject (with 5xx or 6xx) or similar I have correct dialog:failed event.