
I haven't found anything that follows up on that expired draft, except in the sips: rfc5630 section 3.1.4 that appears to explicitly preclude UDP.

My issue is that a draft of BS8521part2 mandates TLS over UDP, and the closest I can see is sip-dtls over UDP but I'm struggling to find a clear declaration from within the sip community.

If I encounter an phone/app supporting it, I shall post it here.

Regards - Martin (phone)

On 8 Jul 2019 09:34, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> wrote:


there was no progress on SIP-DTLS in Kamailio. I haven't seen any sip phone/app supporting it, are you aware of such ones?

Also, the draft you refer to is expired since 2008. Is there a follow up on it or an RFC based on it?


On 07.07.19 14:16, Martin Meadows wrote:



Has there been any movement on the support of SIP-DTLS (datagram-TLS) within Kamailio since:


I’m interested to see if Kamailio can proxy 5061/udp to a FreeSWITCH 5060/udp.


In general, I have been unable to find any material on implementations of:


Cheers - Martin

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