I am trying to install the SER through the following steps.
Download and extract the package :
  •           Download the source package containing mysql support for SER from:  http://ftp.iptel.org/pub/ser/latest/
  •           Save the downloaded package at /usr/src  folder
  •           Extract the package
  •           Change directory to the extracted package

 Make and install

     Make the program and the modules and then  install the program in the folder  /usr/local.

       # make && make modules
      # make prefix=/usr/local install

After installing the SER on the Linux system I am trying to start SER through the following command.

/usr/local/sbin/serctl start

While executing the above command I am getting the following error.

Starting SER : PID file /var/run/ser.pid does not exist -- SER start failed

Please let me know how to resolve this or something is missing.



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