Thanks for your response Daniel!
I think I omitted a key piece of information in my original question! We are using the SCA module.
Hope that sheds some more light on the situation.
> Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:06:28 +0200
> To: "Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List"
> Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Caller ID fields incorrect on Polycom 650s
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
> Hello,
> kamailio is not touching from/to headers by default. If there are
> incorrect, then could be somewhere else. You ahve tos end a sip trace
> (ngrep for example) with incoming and outgoing sip packets on kamailio
> server.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 24/04/14 21:58, J Lee wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> I have a situation where the caller id information on my phone appear
>> incorrectly.
>> When I have ext 1 dial ext 2, on the caller's phone, instead of saying
>> "To: 2", it says "From: 2".
>> I'm using kamailio version 4.0.4. I'm just new to everything kamailio
>> and VoIP so I apologize in advance for any remedial questions.
>> So far, I've done a SIP trace to and checked all packets line by line
>> to see if I could spot where the To address was erroneously changed to
>> FROM. In particular, I was checking the call-info fields for caller
>> id data or any other data what would appear on the LED of the phone.
>> Now I'm wondering, who's job (aka which module) is it to set the
>> caller id information for both phones?
>> I'm thinking of digging inside the code for the right module just to
>> see if I can follow what's going on
>> In addition to answering the question above, if you have any
>> suggestions on what else I can check or try, I'd appreciate it.
>> Thanks List!
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