Hey All,

I always have issues with substituting out header values.  I’ve tried subst and subst_hf.   

Here is the value that I want to change out:

Contact: <sip:;line=sr-h06Cy7RYRFkYacM0a7epa7sVa7sVRcNCW7IbaGZ9RGlC>

 And this is what I want it to be

Contact: <sip:1313717555@jump.dsiprouter.net;line=sr-h06Cy7RYRFkYacM0a7epa7sVa7sVRcNCW7IbaGZ9RGlC>

I’m using this 

subst('/^Contact: <sip:(.*);(.*)>$/Contact: <sip:1313717555@jump.dsiprouter.net;\2>\r/ig’);

And it doesn’t work, but putting into a online regular expression tester it looks good as shown below.  Any ideas?