Not much to say without the SIP messages giving the error. Looks like an empty Contact header. Could be a faulty user client or something completely different...
---- Original Message ----
From: Mr Greg Plater
To: 'Greger V. Teigre'
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 02:01 AM
Subject: RE: [Serusers] Ser Accepting Calls From Asterisk

> Hi Greger
> I note I have this content-length in the onreply route…
> Any Ideas
> Cheers
> Greg
> BTW thanks for your help
> From: Greger V. Teigre []
> Sent: Thursday, 12 May 2005 6:04 PM
> To: Mr Greg Plater;
> Subject: Re: [Serusers] Ser Accepting Calls From Asterisk
> Good to hear, Greg.  Looks like a message without a Contact header
> (or a non-conforming one).  Could you find the SIP message that gives
> this message? BTW, just to be sure: The files have a test
> for content-length in the onreply route (Empty body). Do you have it
> in your ser.cfg?   
> g-)
> ---- Original Message ----
> From: Mr Greg Plater
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 02:26 AM
> Subject: [Serusers] Ser Accepting Calls From Asterisk
>> Hi Calls work from Asterisk to SER now.
>> I note in Debug output:
>>  3(1814) contact_parser(): Empty body
>>  3(1814) parse_contact(): Error while parsing
>>  3(1814) error: mediaproxy/getContactURI(): cannot parse Contact
>> header
>> The call works fine, how do I fix this message or do I leave whats
>> working alone.
>> Cheers
>> Greg
>> _____________________________________________________________________
>> Hi Greger
>> Thank you for the information I have found it just what I needed.
>> Calls To SER from Asterisk:
>> To add to trusted in MYSQL I would use this right:
>> INSERT INTO trusted SET
>> src_ip='***.***.***.***',proto='any',from_pattern='sip:[0-9]*@***.***.***.***';
>> #replace *** with the asterisk ip address
>> With this in my ser.cfg:
>> modparam("permissions", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
>> modparam("permissions", "db_mode", 1)
>> modparam("permissions", "trusted_table", "trusted")
>> and for routing to Asterisk >From SER:
>> if (method == "INVITE" && (uri=~"^sip:0")){
>> rewritehostport ("***.***.***.***:5060");
>> t_relay();
>> break();
>> };
>> Or do I just add:
>> Asterisk to the trusted table and the following near the
>> if(!allow_trusted)
>> if (!proxy_authorize("","subscriber")) {
>> proxy_challenge("","0");
>> break;
>> } else if (!check_from()) {
>> sl_send_reply("403", "Use From=ID");
>> break;
>> Thank you very much for your help
>> Cheers
>> Greg
>> From: Greger V. Teigre []
>> Sent: Wednesday, 11 May 2005 6:20 PM
>> To: Mr Greg Plater;
>> Subject: Re: [Serusers] Ser Accepting Calls From Asterisk
>> Greg,
>> Basically, you can do four things (first two for dialing
>> asterisk-ser, the next two for dialing ser-asterisk):
>> 1. Accept INVITEs from a specific src ip (asterisk) and add if(src_ip
>> != asterisk_ip) around the INVITE authentication to avoid that part
>> being triggered
>> 2. Or you accomplish the same thing be adding asterisk to the trusted
>> table and us if(!allow_trusted) instead. This will give you more
>> control as you can filter on ruri as well.
>> 3. You can create an account in asterisk and have asterisk register
>> with SER like a regular user (who will be available in location for
>> dialling into asterisk). This only makes sense if you have one main
>> number for all users registered on asterisk (you don't need 1 or 2 if
>> you do this)
>> 4. Use some kind of routing, either through manual configuration
>> (uri=~"some pattern", then forward to asterisk) or use the LCR (least
>> cost routing) module to look up the ruris and forward to asterisk.
>> This must be done in combination with 1 or 2.
>> Hope this helps.
>> g-)
>> ---- Original Message ----
>> From: Mr Greg Plater
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 06:10 AM
>> Subject: [Serusers] Ser Accepting Calls From Asterisk
>>> Hi
>>> I am using the onsip getting started doc with mediaproxy.
>>> Calls for registered users on SER work great but when I try to call
>>> a registered ser user from my asterisk box.
>>> I get a response in Asterisk Debug. Says  “failed to auth on INVITE”
>>> If I wish to allow calls from my asterisk box to registered users on
>>> SER what do I change.
>>> IN SER.cfg I note these 2 snippets
>>> if (!www_authorize("","subscriber")) {
>>> www_challenge("","0");
>>> break;
>>> };
>>> if (!proxy_authorize("","subscriber")) {
>>> proxy_challenge("","0");
>>> break;
>>> } else if (!check_from()) {
>>> sl_send_reply("403", "Use From=ID");
>>> break;
>>> };
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