I have SIP proxy (Kamailio) works in conjunction with rtpproxy to support client communication. When SIP proxy sends command to rtpproxy to create new session, rtpproxy will create 2 ports (let's called them port1 and port2). rtpproxy has 1 listen interface
Supposed A and B are 2 clients that use rtpproxy to relay RTP stream, and works fine.
A <---> port1 [rtpproxy] port2 <---> B
Now that A loses his current network, and enter network2 (imagine a network handover) to become A2. In this case, I see rtpproxy still works fine by relaying stream between A2 and B
A2 <---> port1 [rtpproxy] port2 <---> B
But when A2 lose his network2 and enters network3 to become A3, rtpproxy stills relay stream between A2 and B. It seems that A can change his network only once.
A2 <---> port1 [rtpproxy] port2 <---> B
Why did the first handover succeed? How can I change rtpproxy behavior to support many handovers ?