When trying to pull a list of pipes and their current values by using pl.dump via the JSONRPC-S module, I am only getting the last result in the reply as opposed to an array.  If I use the CLI RPC interface I get the data I expect.


Here’s a sanitized example:


[root@server1 ~]# kamcmd pl.stats

PIPE: id=user_1 load=0 counter=29

PIPE: id=user_2 load=0 counter=108

PIPE: id=user_3 load=0 counter=18

PIPE: id=user_4 load=0 counter=0

PIPE: id=user_5 load=0 counter=1

PIPE: id=user_6 load=0 counter=2

PIPE: id=user_7 load=0 counter=0

PIPE: id=user_8 load=0 counter=84

PIPE: id=user_9 load=0 counter=26

PIPE: id=user_10 load=0 counter=0

PIPE: id=user_11 load=0 counter=23

PIPE: id=user_12 load=0 counter=9

PIPE: id=user_13 load=0 counter=23

PIPE: id=user_14 load=0 counter=0

PIPE: id=user_15 load=0 counter=107

PIPE: id=user_16 load=0 counter=10

PIPE: id=user_17 load=0 counter=28

PIPE: id=user_18 load=0 counter=45

PIPE: id=user_19 load=0 counter=7

PIPE: id=user_20 load=0 counter=0

PIPE: id=user_21 load=0 counter=12

PIPE: id=user_22 load=0 counter=94

PIPE: id=user_23 load=0 counter=14

PIPE: id=user_24 load=0 counter=7

PIPE: id=user_25 load=0 counter=18

PIPE: id=user_26 load=0 counter=46

PIPE: id=user_27 load=0 counter=45

PIPE: id=user_28 load=0 counter=50

PIPE: id=user_29 load=0 counter=2

PIPE: id=user_30 load=0 counter=2


[root@server1 ~]# curl -s --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "pl.stats"}'

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"PIPE: id=user_30 load=0 counter=2"}

[root@server1 ~]#




The jsonrpc config and event route is about as basic as you can get:


modparam("jsonrpc-s", "pretty_format", 0)

modparam("jsonrpc-s", "transport", 1)


event_route[xhttp:request] {

                xlog("L_INFO", "[R-HTTP-REQUEST:$si] -> Got HTTP request\n");

                if($hu =~ "^/jsonrpc") {

                                xlog("L_INFO", "[R-XHTTP-REQUEST:$si] -> Handling JSON RPC request: $hu\n");


                } else {

                                xhttp_reply("404", "Not Found", "text/html", "");





Should the JSONRPC-S module be returning this as an array instead of just a single value?



Brooks Bridges | Sr. Voice Services Engineer

O1 Communications

5190 Golden Foothill Pkwy

El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

office: 916.235.2097 | main: 888.444.1111, Option 2

email: bbridges@o1.com web: www.o1.com