You must set rtpengine’s network type to host. Not expose a single port.--On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 at 21:01, Pavithra Mohanraja <> wrote:Hi,I am not using free switch.In my case, I am testing withUe (vm) -> ims (pods) -> ue (vm)Here rtp engine is running inside pcscf pod with 2223 as exposed UDP portWhen I make a call from ue , rtp packets flow from ue to pcscf pod ip .Rtp engine is listening to pod ip inside pcscf pod.How can I resolve this?Thanks,Pavithra_______________________________________________On Wed, Oct 21, 2020, 1:19 AM David Villasmil <> wrote:I have it running perfectly in network host mode. Public to private and private to public. My freeswitches are in the private and kamailio+rtpengine do the translation from public to private (and viceversa). All in k8s pods.When fs or rtpengine a come up in the pods, they register themselves in kamailio’s db tables rtpengine and dispatcher with their private IPs.--On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 at 15:43, Sergey Safarov <> wrote:UDP in k8s not stable.So looks as need use host network.Second options troubleshoot nat in k8s.Thirt options, add RTP engine control over TCP in Kamailio.On Tue, Oct 20, 2020, 5:22 PM Pavithra Mohanraja <> wrote:Hi,I have installed rtp engine inside pcscf pod and tried to make a call. caller was unable to reach the pod environment with 2223 port exposed for rtp. Kindly anyone help, if you have already done with pod based deployment of ims.Thanks,Pavithra_______________________________________________
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