
I'm trying to install sems so that I can configure my ser proxy to support voicemail functions.

I have downloaded the last CVS version of sems and I'm currently running ser version 0.8.12

I got these error every time I try to start sems:

 Sems[12051]: Warning: /etc/sems/sems.conf:59  configuration: ignoring unknown parameter announce_path
 Sems[12051]: Warning: /etc/sems/sems.conf:64  configuration: ignoring unknown parameter default_announce
 Sems[12051]: Warning: /etc/sems/sems.conf:69  configuration: ignoring unknown parameter max_record
 Sems[12054]: Warning: no configuration found for module announcement, maybe you want to specify config.announcement in config file.

 Sems[12054]: Error: while loading plug-in '/usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/apps/announcement.so'
 Sems[12053]: Warning: signal 17 received

Another question: Is ser 0.8.12 compatible with the last version of sems in CVS?

Thank you very much.

Best reagards,
João Sampaio

PT Inovação, SA

SRM - Serviços e Redes Móveis

email: est-j-sampaio@ptinovacao.pt
Tlf:  +351 234511160-1907 / +351 234403421