On 4/9/07, chungyu <chungyu@ms11.voip.edu.tw> wrote:
Hi Raviprakash sunkara:
        Thank for the reply. I am trying use the solution.



remove the either username or domain , or simle give the $ruri,
Below one also same , but  is there contact table is exists or not
if not exists , it stores in usr_preference table ( default)
contact table is exists and not save into usr_preference
This is my confgure
modparam("avpops", "avp_table", "conatct")
modparam("avpops", "domain_column", "domain")
modparam("avpops", "username_column", "username")
modparam("avpops", "avp_aliases", "store=s:friend")
if (method=="INVITE"){
    avp_write("$ruri/username", "$store");
    avp_db_store("$store", "s:/contact")
if call bob then bob'name save into contact table
username  |  domain
bob           |   null
Thanks a lot in advance

 avp_db_store("$ruri/domain/username", "$avp(store)/contact")
system reply
 ERROR:avpops:fixup_write_avp: flag "domain/username" unknown!
I only want uri of callee save into contact(table name)
Try most the param for avo_db_store(),but reply
submit_query(): unknow column 'attribute' in 'field list'
db_insert: Error while submitting query
ERROR:avpops:db_store: insert failed
Thanks a lot in advance

On 4/9/07, chungyu <chungyu@ms11.voip.edu.tw> wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to use avp_db_store() stores my table "contact" with caller uri
    table name: contact
  |  username | domain |        |
  |           |        |        |
  |           |        |        |
 If (method=="INVITE"){
     avp_write("$ruri/username", "s:name");

in Loading paramater  of  avp module
Did U use this .

     avp_write("$ruri/domain", "s:domain");

use this

     avo_db_store("s:name", "s:username/contact")


I hopes this will helps U....
Let me know,
     avp_db_store("s:domain", "s:domain/contact");
if the call bob then save username and domain of callee in contact
callee:  bob at iptel.org
  |  username | domain     |   |
  |     bob   | iptel.org  |   |
  |           |            |   |
 but not success, system reply
ERROR:avpops:db_store: insert faild
Am I setting wrong param for avo_db_store()?
Thanks a lot in advance