You can definitely compile (`make`) without downtime.
Installation without downtime is likely safe, but I don’t think you’ll find many people willing to give you a guarantee on it. The biggest problems with just running `make install` blindly are the potential
to clobber config files or anything continuously run. If memory serves, there is a “make deinstall” (or similar) option that doesn’t actually execute anything but will generate a list of files to be deleted. The last time I did an upgrade that required recompilation
I used this to create a small shell script of things to delete. I then upgraded like:
service kamaliio stop && cp /etc/kamailio /etc/kamailio.bak && && make install && mv /etc/kamailio /etc/kamailio.orig && mv /etc/kamailio.bak /etc/kamailio && service kamailio start
This is probably overkill, but I think it took less than a minute to actually run.
From: satyaprakash ch via sr-users <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 11:19 AM
To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <>
Cc: satyaprakash ch <>
Subject: [SR-Users] compile without downtime
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I currently have two proxy servers running in my environment, and I want to upgrade Kamailio from version 5.4.7 to 5.6.
Can I recompile the Kamailio service before restarting it without downtime ? Will there be any impact on my production environment if I recompile Kamailio to the newer version? If there is no impact, I expect approximately 2 minutes of downtime during the service
Here's the scenario:
No Downtime:
Clone the Kamailio repository with git clone
Navigate to the Kamailio directory with cd kamailio
Update the modules.lst file with any necessary additions
Compile with make
Install with make install
Restart the Kamailio service.
Please advise on this.