I've setup a siremis installation using Mysql for the siremis tables. 
Kamailio is installed with postgresql on another machine.
I selected Postgresql in seremis setup under SIP DB and correctly inserted the right username/password/host. Connection was successful.

I can login to Siremis (ver 3.2.0) and access the Admin menu successfully.
However when I access the Ser Menu, all the options give errors:

For example, trying to to select Server Services, Domain List gives the following errors:

[2012-04-05 18:11:36 (GMT)] An exception occurred while executing this script:
Error message: #256, Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.
Script name and line number of error: /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php:283

function: errorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.", "/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/sysheader.inc 117 
function: userErrorHandler ( 256, "Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.", "/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php", 283, Array(11) ) @ 
function: trigger_error ( "Unable to location template file system_internal_error.tpl.", 256 ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/Resource.php 283 
function: getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizSystem.php 544 
function: getTplFileWithPath ( "system_internal_error.tpl", "email" ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/siremis/modules/service/userEmailService.php 108 
function: SystemInternalErrorEmail ( Array(2), Null ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/siremis/modules/common/form/ErrorForm.php 34 
function: Report ( ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 310 
function: invoke ( ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 110 
function: dispatchRequest ( ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php 32 
function: include_once ( "/usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/openbiz/bin/BizController.php" ) @ /usr/local/siremis-3.2.0/siremis/bin/controller.php 6

Similarly. the all the other optiones under the Ser Menu give errors.

My Config.xml (passwords and IPs modified) follows:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
      <Database Name="Default" Driver="Pdo_Mysql" Server="localhost" Port="3306" DB
Name="siremis" User="siremis" Password="siremisrw" Charset="utf8"/>
      <Database Name="Serdb" Driver="Pdo_Pgsql" Server="x.x.x.x" Port="5432"
 DBName="dbname" User="dbuser" Password="123456" Charset="utf8"/>

Please advise.

Many thanks
