I am trying to port our setup from kamailio 1.4.3 to 3.1.4 and I see huge differences on the LCR module.
I have these main questions:

1- does lcr_id replaces the grp_id?
2- what happened to the fifo commands to add gws etc:

 lcr addgw <gw_name> <ip> <port> <scheme> <transport> <grp_id> <flags> <tag> <strip>
           ............... add a gateway with flags, tag and strip ............
           ................(flags, tag, and strip are optional arguments) .....
 lcr rmgw  <gw_name> ..........................................................
           ............... delete a gateway
 lcr addroute <prefix> <from> <grp_id> <prio> .................................
           .............. add a route ( use '' to match anything in <from> )
 lcr rmroute  <prefix> <from> <grp_id> <prio> .................................
           .............. delete a route

3- it looks like the kamctl fifo lcr reload can not be used anymore, instead I found that there is a sercmd command that can be used to "show" and "reload"  only the lcr tables

What would be the best way to use this module on this version?

Any help/hint would be greatly appreciated.
thank you
