
can you share the pcap with sip signaling for such case?

It will help to see where the packets are sent and what the headers are including, making it possible to identify what can be done in the config in order to fix it.


On 29/05/16 23:33, Sébastien Brice wrote:
Hi guys,
I have a local proxy running on private ip and advertising the wan ip of my box (THEPUBLICIPOFMYBOX)
this local Kamailio is a stateful proxy that TM REGISTERS and INVITES to a Kamailio registrar(PUBLICIPKAMAILIOREGISTRAR)

(please have a look at the kamailio.cfg attached to this email.)

I want to force the signalling and sessions through this local proxy (some kind of outbound proxy) 
I have jitsi and xlite behind (ip and that tries to call themselves.

user agents keep retransmitting 200 OK because they never get the ACK following the 200 OK pickup.
If i remove the advertise THEPUBLICIPOFMYBOX of the kamailio.cfg the three handshake is working ok and the call is no longer dropped after a few second!

i have a true bidirectionnal session and that's working ok.

The bad thing is RTP flows straight through router (thanks to rtpproxy i guess) but i want incoming and outgoing RTP traffic to go on central local node

How can i achieve that?


PS: i am not using path header because i am not skilled enough  and kamailio is really hard horse to train

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