Thanks Jamey. I really appreciate your work on this.
I started working on support for Windows Messenger 5.1 a while back
(BENOTIFY, SERVICE, and other MS proprietary stuff) but was pulled off
the project. I may do it on my own soon.
Mark Aiken wrote:
> I've tried without success to get the PA module working properly. I
> did ask questions on the serusers list bit no one ever responded.
> I had a bit more luck with the internet2 PA code. I get the feeling
> they are the only folks working on the PA module.
> Even that code does not work as one would expect - NOTIFYs are not
> sent out to reflect changes in the location database.
> It would appear much work needs doing in this area.
There is quite a bit of work needed on this module. Apparently I'm the
only one who has been working on it, and I haven't had time to work on
it recently. I would be happy to apply patches or to work with iptel to
add additional committers to modules/pa.
The internet2 distribution includes modifications from Xten to get PA to
work better, particularly with the Eyebeam SIP UA. I have started
merging their changes with current CVS but that is not yet working.
Here is a patch to bring current CVS up to that state, for anyone who
wants to investigate it further.
Hope this helps,