I don`t know but if use sc.dbtext out of tarball(openser-1.2.2), then i saw 'auth_db module - get_ha1(): Error while querying database'
After my modifications all works.
Where is the new database schema?

2007/12/10, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <daniel@voice-system.ro>:

seems that you haven't updated the database structure. In 1.2, there was
a refurbishment that included primary keys, a.s.o. As I could guess from
patch, you still use the old database schema.


PS. Please CC to mailing list, the answer can come much faster, with
more competence from people experiencing same issues, and will help new
comers with same case.

On 12/10/07 15:07, Mihail Gluhowchenko wrote:
> Hello;
> Sorry %)
> --
> Regards,
> Mihail Gluhowchenko.
> Enterprise ELTEX
> 2007/12/10, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <daniel@voice-system.ro
> <mailto:daniel@voice-system.ro>>:
>     Hello,
>     can you please send unified format for the patch?
>     diff -u oldfile newfile
>     Thanks,
>     Daniel
>     On 12/10/07 14:29, Mihail Gluhowchenko wrote:
>     > Hello;
>     > Here it is sc.patch;
>     > my version is 'openser-1.2.2-notls '
>     > --
>     > Regards,
>     > Mihail Gluhowchenko.
>     > Enterprise ELTEX.
>     >
>     > 2007/12/10, Daniel-Constantin Mierla < daniel@voice-system.ro
>     <mailto:daniel@voice-system.ro>
>     > <mailto:daniel@voice-system.ro <mailto: daniel@voice-system.ro>>>:
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >     On 12/10/07 07:04, Mihail Gluhowchenko wrote:
>     >     > Hello all work; :)
>     >     was your version old or there is a bug in sc.dbtext? Can you
>     post the
>     >     patch of changes?
>     >
>     >     Best regards,
>     >     Daniel
>     >
>     >
>     >     > in script sc.dbtext use old format subscriber.
>     >     > Little changes and all work
>     >     >
>     >     > date_now=$(date +"%s")
>     >     > GLOB_ID=$(od -N4 -d /dev/random | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f2,3 |
>     >     sed -e
>     >     > 's/ //')
>     >     >
>     >     >  add)
>     >     >                 if [ $# -ne 4 ] ; then
>     >     >                         usage
>     >     >                         exit 1
>     >     >                 fi
>     >     >                 shift
>     >     >                 credentials $1 $2
>     >     >                 is_user $1
>     >     >                 if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
>     >     >                         echo -e "\nuser already exists\n"
>     >     >                         exit 1
>     >     >                 fi
>     >     >                 #Add to SUBSCRIBER file
>     >     >                 #id(int,auto) username(str) domain(str)
>     >     password(str)
>     >     > first_name(str,null) last_name(str,null) email_address(str)
>     >     > datetime_created(int) last_modified(int)  ha1(str) ha1b(str)
>     >     > rpid(str,null)
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >
>     line="$GLOB_ID:$SERUSER:$SERDOMAIN:$2:::$3:$date_now:$date_now:$HA1:$HA1B:"
>     >
>     >     >                 echo $line >> $SUB_FILE
>     >     >                 #Add to URI file
>     >     >                 #id(int,auto) domain(str) uri_user(str)
>     >     > last_modified(int)
>     >     >                 line="$GLOB_ID:$SERDOMAIN:$SERUSER:$date_now"
>     >     >                 echo $line >> $URI_FILE
>     >     >                 echo -e "\nNew user ($SERUSER@$SERDOMAIN)
>     added to
>     >     > DBTEXT files\n"
>     >     >                 ;;
>     >     > --
>     >     > Regards,
>     >     > Mihail Gluhowchenko.
>     >     > Enterprise ELTEX.
>     >     >
>     >
>     >