发件人: fang, tian
日期: 2008-3-27 12:59:27
收件人: serusers@iptel.org
主题: SER performance bottleneck ?
Hi  dear friends,
         We tried to benchmarking IPtel SER 0.9.6 on Intel xeon CPU based computer recently,but we met a problem about poort performance.For example ,on a computer configured with Intel 2*sossaman CPU (four cores)+2G ddr2-400 memory+100M Ethernet card, we didn't configure any database,and registered with only 1-2 users,and we use SIPP 3.0 as the call generator ,but we can only see about 3,000 calls per second for a very simply built-in scenario  in SIPP(UAC+UAS),and the CPU idle percentage is about 70-80%.if we tried to increase the call rate ,we got failure calls.
          We tried to enlarge the memory to 768M for SER,and limited the ser processes number on each port from 8 to 4,and we also made some improvement on config.h & Makefile.defs,but didn't get big improvement on performance .
          If anybody could help me on this,I will appreciate a lot.
Fang tian.
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