
That depends entirely on what you need to replicate between servers. DMQ is just a communication channel. How you use it is up to you.

For example, if you enable dmq_usrloc, there's no need to share a location database. Htable has an option for replicating over dmq too.

The number of direct module integrations like dmq_usrloc/htable is fairly limited, but you can also share arbitrary data between nodes yourself from within your config.

I think you'll need to provide a little more information about what you're trying to achieve, however, in order for us to offer any further advice.



On 29 Sep 2016 08:08, "Moacir Ferreira" <moacirferreira@hotmail.com> wrote:


When using the DMQueue module what is the best approach, using one SQL server/database for each member node or having a single SQL server for all nodes?



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